Lab 11: a Rational class


For this problem, devise a Rational class that represents a rational number, one that is a quotient of two integers. Each Rational object should have two attributes, both of type int, its numerator and its denominator. It should have several constructors:

Rational(): constructs a rational number with numerator 0 and denominator 1.

Rational(int i): constructs a rational number with numerator i and denominator 1.

Rational(int n, int d): constructs a rational number with numerator n and denominator d. You can assume that d is a positive integer.

In addition, it should support the following methods:

Rational plus(Rational that): returns the sum of this and that. Recall that the sum of two fractions is given by:

 n1     n2    n1*d2 + n2*d1
---- + ---- = -------------
 d1     d2        d1*d2

Rational minus(): returns the negation of this, i.e. the additive inverse.

    n    -n
 - --- = ---
    d     d

Rational minus(Rational that): returns the difference between this and that. Use the plus and minus methods just described to write this one.

Rational times(Rational that): returns the product of this and that. Recall that

 n1     n2    n1*n2
---- * ---- = -----
 d1     d2    d1*d2

Rational reciprocal(): returns a Rational that is the multiplicative inverse of this. Write it so that the new Rational instance has a positive denominator. This means that you should flip the signs of both the numerator and the denominator, if the numerator of this was negative. You can assume that the numerator of this is not 0.

     n     d
1 / --- = ---
     d     n

Rational div(Rational that): division of this this by that. Use the times and reciprocal methods just described to write this one.

std::string to_string(): a string representing the Rational. Some example rational strings include:


Write a small program with a main that tests your Rational class, similar to what we did to test the Cmpx class from lecture.


This class works more cleanly if you reduce the numerator and denominator so that they have no common divisor. You could write a helper function that computes the greatest common divisor of two integers and use it in the general constructor, dividing the suggested numerator and denominator each by their greatest common divisor.

There is a standard way, an algorithm of Euclid, to compute the GCD. It uses the following fact:

If ab > 0 then GCD(a,b) = GCD(b,a - b).

This recurrence eventually leads to a base case of b = 0. In that case GCD(a,0) = a.

std::string Constructor
You might enjoy the small challenge of writing an additional constructor that takes a std::string, one that looks like the examples of rational number strings just above, and builds a Rational from that string. You could just scan through the string, looking to see if there is a minus sign in front, reading the characters looking for a /, etc.

In doing that work, you could use std::stoi to convert a substring to an integer value.