Lab 09: MIPS32 assembly in SPIM

In this lab, you will begin practice with assembly machine-level programming. You’ll be programming using the MIPS32 instruction set, which normally can be used to program a family of computer processors of the MIPS architecture. Here, instead, we will be running our programs on the SPIM simulator, a free piece of softaware available from Jim Larus, a U. of Wisconsin researcher. We’ll use the beginning of the lab to set up this software, and then write MIPS assembly programs, testing them in SPIM, for the remainder of the lab.

The kind of programming exercises you’re being asked to do here are not too complex, mostly because our goal is to get you used to the logistics and quirks of this style of programming. There are many aspects of this kind of programming that will be new, and potentially many details that we could cover. Rather than give you complete information about the assembler syntax, and SPIM, instead I encourage you to learn today by copying my program examples, tweaking the code I’ve given you (by figuring out what that code does), and getting those to work.

Neverthless, there are several resources you can access to learn the details of MIPS and SPIM, listed below:
the SPIM simulator
SPIM’s MIPS information links
the MIPS32 programmer’s guide
For today, you might most benefit by referencing these:
the MIPS32 quick reference
this SPIM system call reference
These two, and the instructions and examples below, ought to be enough for you get this work done.

I’ve placed several sample programs in this repo. They are versions of the code I showed you yesterday in lecture. You’ll want to dig through these to learn the general format of MIPS assembly programs, and to see use of the instructions and system calls you’ll need to get your programs working. The instructions used can be summarized as below:

  • ADD $Rdst, $Rsrc1, $Rsrc2: sum two registers, placing result in a third
  • ADDI $Rdst, $Rsrc, constant: sum a register with a constant
  • SUB $Rdst, $Rsrc1, $Rsrc2: subtract two registers, placing result in a third
  • LI $Rdst, constant: set a register to some constant’s value
  • LA $Rdst, label: load a register with the address of a labelled location in the data segment
  • MOVE $Rdst, $Rsrc: copy a value from one register into another
  • LW $Rdst, ($Rtgt): load a register from memory at an address
  • SW $Rsrc, ($Rtgt): store a register into memory at an address
  • LB $Rdst, ($Rtgt): load a register with a byte in memory at an address
  • SB $Rsrc, ($Rtgt): store a byte of a register into memory at an address
  • BLT $Rsrc1,$Rsrc2,label: jump to a line if one register’s value is less than another. Also GT, GE, LE, EQ, and NE.
  • B label: jump to a line if one register’s value is less than another. Also GT, GE, LE, EQ, and NE.

The registers you can use in these instructions hold a 32-bit value. You’ll normally either treat that value as an integer (using two’s complement), or as its 32 bits (where certain bit operations can be used to examine or change its bits), or as an address that points somewhere in memory where data can be fetched and stored. There are 32 of these registers, however some of these are reserved for specific uses (that I’ll work to teach you). The registers are divided up and named for these different kinds of uses.

The registers are v0, v1, a0-a3, t0-t9, s0-s7, gp, sp, fp, and ra. For now, we’ll only use t0-t9 in our programs, with some others used when following specific conventions for specific other instructions.

We’ll learn a lot of this by just looking at some sample programs.

Our first MIPS program

Take a look at the sample.s program included in this repo. I’ve also included it as text just below. The code computes the sum of the numbers from 1 up to 100. It tracks the sum within register t0 and the current integer of its count using the register t2. It has a loop of instructions that increment that count by 1, and then bump the sum up by that count. Here is that code, described further below:

    .globl main

    li  $t0, 0      # sum = 0    
    li  $t1, 1      # inc = 1    
    li  $t2, 0          # count = 0  
    li  $t3, 100        # last = 100 
    bgt $t3, $t2, done  # if last == count goto done    
    addu    $t2, $t2, $t1   # count += inc
    addu    $t0, $t0, $t2   # sum += count
    b   loop

    li  $v0, 0      # return 0
    jr  $ra     #

You’ll see three kinds of lines. The top two lines are “header” information that communicate that a main function is being defined, and then that the “text” of the program will follow just after. Littered throughout the code are lines that are labels. These names main, loop, and done can be used by program instructions as targets of “jumps” and “branches” in the code. Finally, there are the actual instruction lines. They each start with an instruction’s “mnemonic” like li, addu, bgt describing what the instrcution is, followed by the registers that they act upon.

The instruction

    li  $t3, 100     

“loads” the value of 100 into the register named t3. The instruction

    add $t2, $t2, $t1

computes the sum of registers t2 and t1, and stores the result into register t2. If, instead, we wanted to store that sum into t7 the instruction would be

    add $t7, $t2, $t1

The instruction

    beq $t3, $t2, done

is a “branch.” It checks the values of t3 and t2, comparing their values. If t3 and t2 hold the same value, then the processor should jump to the instruction just below the label done. If not, then it should continue by executing the addu instruction just below.

This is all great, but probably you want to see the code in action.

Setting up SPIM to run MIPS code

This repo contains a “tarball” of SPIM’s source code. This is a compressed binary archive file that contains the C source code for the simulator. Type the following commands in the console while working within your lab09 folder:

tar xvfpz spim-reedcs.tgz 
pushd spim-reedcs/spim

At this point, we’ll want to make the SPIM program. However, if you are on a Windows machine that’s using WSL, you’ll first need to install two standard tools needed to build SPIM. So WSL users should type this additional command:

sudo apt-get install flex bison

Having these tools on your system, you can (all) then type


This will make the SPIM simulator as an executable file named spim. You’ll want to make copies of that simulator executable (along with a supporting file) and put them within this repo folder so you can complete your work. Type these commands:

cp spim-reedcs/spim/spim .
cp spim-reedcs/CPU/exceptions.s .
cp spim-reedcs/helloworld.s .
./spim -f helloworld.s

The last line will actually run SPIM on a simple MIPS32 assembly program, one that greets the world.

Sample programs

To run one our sample program type

./spim -f sample.s

It takes no input and produces no output, so its not the best program to run. Instead run the interactive verison of it by typing

./spim -f sum_interacts.s

To perform input and output it uses special SPIM machinery for “system calls”. There are several such calls that SPIM supports in your programs. They will allow you to write more interactive code, much like a C++ program. They each have a number. Here are the ones we’ll use

System call #1: Output an integer to the console.
System call #4: Output a string to the console.
System call #5: Get an integer input from the console.

To system call #1, we are asked to load the register v0 with the number 1. (For the others, we instead load it with 4 or 5.) We are also required to put the value that we want to output into register a0. This is the “argument register” normally. So we use the move instruction, like so:

move $a0, $t0

so that we can output the sum.

For outputting a string, we instead are required to put the address that’s the start of a character string into a0. The top lines of that program

prompt:     .asciiz "Enter an integer: "
feedback:   .asciiz "The sum from 1 to its value is "
eoln:   .asciiz "\n"

tell SPIM to label three locations in the program’s image with addresses prompt, feedback, and ending where three zero-terminated ASCII character strings each live. Our code uses the “load address” instruction to put those addresses into a0 before system call #4, like so:

    li  $v0, 4      
    la  $a0, prompt

We also use a system call that fills in a console input into a register. In the code you see the lines

li  $v0, 5      
move    $t3, $v0    

This calls the “input integer” system procedure. It happens to place the input value into register v0 by convention. This register is normally the “return value” register. And then our last line moves (well, copies) that value into register t3 so that we can use it as our maximum count value within the loop.

Incidentally, these system calls are documented here.


Exercise 1. integer division

We’ve included a MIPS assembly program product.s that asks for two positive integers as input and computes the product of those two integers, outputting the product to the console. It uses the method of repeated addition to compute the product.

Write a MIPS assembly program division.s that asks for two positive integers as input and computes the division of the one integer by the other. It should output the quotient and also the remainder that are computed by that division.

To do this I’d like you to use the method of repeated subtraction. Let’s call the two numbers n and d. To compute the quotient, we repeatedly subtract d from n in a loop, counting how many times we can do this until we reduce the value down to the remainder due to this division.

You can assume the dividend they’ve entered is non-negative and that the divisor entered is positive.

This code should not be too dissimilar from product.s and you can use its code as a starting point for your code.

Exercise 2. capitalize

The sample program hellobye.s modifies the contents of memory with store byte instructions SB to rewrite the string “hello” in memory so that it instead reads “bye”. It scans through the string, changing its contents, by incrementing a register $t0 that is used as a pointer to a character in the string. SB updates the data at that character. The program, in addition to writing b, y, e, also writes the character with code 0 at the end of the string. This “null termination” makes it so that system call #4 knows when to stop reading characters of the string in memory.

Modify this program as a copy named capitalize.s. It should instead scan through the string labelled by text_ptr, assuming that it is a string of lowercase letters of the alphabet, and capitalize them. It should work for any string stored at text_ptr, not just the string “hello”. You can test it by changing the string in the .data segment from “hello” to other strings of lowercase letters.

Note that the ASCII code for lower case a is 97. The ASCII code for A is 65. This convention holds for the whole alphabet. The upper case code of a capital letter is 32 smaller than the lower case code of a letter.

Your program can use an LB instructions, loading the ASCII code for a character in the string into a register, subtract 32 from that, then replace the character in memory with a SB instruction.

BONUS: Exercise 3

Write a program guess.s that has an integer between 1 and 100 stored in its data segment. (See output100.s from lecture yesterday for an example of how I stored 100 in the data segment of the program using the .word directive.) This will serve as the “random number” to be guessed by the program user for a guessing game program that you write.

The program should prompt the user for an integer value, telling them whether they are correct and, if not, reporting whether they guessed too high or too low. They should be allowed to keep guessing in this way until they guess the number correctly. It should tell them when their guess is correct.

NOTE: For this one we can’t generate a random number. Instead, you’ll want to test the code by varying the .word number listed in the .data segment of the program for several different runs. Try enough hidden numbers to convince yourself that the code is correct.